Start a Nonprofit. Be a Voice for the Voiceless.
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Our Mission

We strongly believe social change happens when communities partner together to empower each other.

Our mission is to help create 10,000 nonprofits around the world by showing people a systematic way of building their nonprofit to enable them in effectively reaching out and helping their communities.

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The power of touch

"It doesn’t matter how much we have - we are all human. We all have the same wants and needs. I am happy that I was able to fulfill some of those needs to those who have the least"

— Dr. Jeremy Bonsol, Chiropractor and volunteer at a homeless outreach

Setting up a nonprofit in your state can be challenging. However, complicated you might think it is, it can be done in some really simple steps. When you make the decision on setting up a nonprofit, we have outlined a sample process for you. Our hope is that you set up your nonprofit in the right fashion.
— Eric V. Campbell and Dr. Stephen Kalaluhi